- Vombatkere, S.G., “Problems of Energy Management in Semi-Arid High Altitude Regions: An Overview”, The Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Proceedings of the All-India Seminar on Problems of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions and their Remedial Measures, Jodhpur, February 8-9, 1986, p.163.
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- Vombatkere, S.G., “Works Services for Military Airfields”, Civil Engineering & Construction Review, New Delhi, Vol 3 No 7, July 1990, p.21.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Perspective on Surface Transportation in India”, Civil Engineering & Construction Review, New Delhi, Vol 3 No 9, September 1990, p.29.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Transportation Planning – A Prognosis”, Civil Engineering & Construction Review, New Delhi, Vol 4 No 4, April 1991, p.24.
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- Vombatkere, S.G., “Management of Construction Technology in the Rural Sector”, Journal of Construction Management, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Mumbai, Vol VI No 4, January 1992, p.297.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Audit in the Border Roads Organisation”, In-house paper to the Director General Border Roads, New Delhi, October 1992.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Construction Industry and the Availability of Fuel Energy, Part-1”, Civil Engineering & Construction Review, New Delhi, Vol 6 No 2, February 1993, p.24.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is Higher Technology Better?”, The Institution of Engineers (India), Seventh Indian Engineering Congress, Bangalore, February 12-15, 1993, p.199.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Petroleum Paradox”, Indian Express, Pune, March 26, 1993, p.8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Fuel Energy and the Construction Industry”, Journal of Construction Management, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Mumbai, Vol VIII No 1, April 1993, p.36.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Construction Industry and the Availability of Fuel Energy, Part-2”, Civil Engineering & Construction Review, New Delhi, Vol 6 No 6, June 1993, p.41.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Development and the Energy Crisis: Improve Transport Technology”, Philosophy and Social Action, Vol 19 No 4, October-December 1993, p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Mass Housing or Housing for the Masses?”, Proceedings of Seminar on Low Cost Housing and Infrastructure, Building Materials and Technology Council, Indian National Academy of Engineering, New Delhi, March 28-30, 1994, p.87.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Low Cost Housing and Infrastructure: Housing for the Masses”, Journal of Construction Management, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Mumbai, Vol IX No 1, April 1994, p.44.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Low Cost Housing and Infrastructure: Housing for the Masses”, Civil Engineering and Construction Review, New Delhi, Vol 7 No 4, April 1994, p.35.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Values in Technology Policy and Planning: The Other Side of the Coin”, The Institution of Engineers (India), Technorama, Vol 44(T) No 1, May 1994, p.24.
- Reddy, V. Satish Kumar and Vombatkere, S.G., “Technology – Defence – Sustainable Development: a Perspective”, The Institution of Engineers (India), Proceedings of Ninth Indian Engineering Congress, Calcutta, December 15-20, 1994, p.383.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Protest and Human Rights”, Hindustan Times, New Delhi, June 2, 1995, p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Protest and Human Rights”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIII No 28, June 3, 1995, p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Science, Technology and Human Values”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIII No 34, July 15, 1995, p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Decentralisation in Science and Technology”, The Hindustan Times, New Delhi, July 25, 1995, p.13 (Edit Page).
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Industrialization and Nostradamus”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIII No 48, October 21, 1995, p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Business of Defence”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIII No 50, November 4, 1995, p.11.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Business of Defence”, Philosophy and Social Action, Vol 21 No 4, October-December 1995, p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Amchi System of Medicine – A Property of the Ladakhis”, Seminar on Community Rights, IPRs and Biodiversity, Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Natural Resource Policy, New Delhi, February 20, 1996.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Human Rights Education: Who needs it?”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIV No 19, April 13, 1996, p.19.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Shastra Utpadan Kis Liye?” (“Defence Production – For What?”), Navbharat Times Hindi Daily, New Delhi, June 19, 1996, Edit Page.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Stool and the Rocking Chair”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIV No 32, July 13, 1996, p.23.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Yeti and the State”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIV No 45, October 12, 1996, p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Construction Industry and Human Rights”, Journal of Construction Management, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Mumbai, Vol XII No 11, April-June 1997, p.151.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Construction Industry and Human Rights”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXV No 33, July 26, 1997, p.8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Violence, Terrorism and the State”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXVI No 21, May 16, 1998, p.29.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Weapons of Mass Destitution”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXVI No 27, June 27, 1998, p.17.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Effects of a Nuclear War”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXVII No 33, August 7, 1999, p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Unclear Nuclear Matters”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXVI No 37, September 5, 1998, p.11.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Weapons of Mass Destitution”, New Quest, Pune, No 132, November-December 1998, p.353.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Wrecked by Development”, Deccan Herald, Bangalore, October 3, 1999.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Damned Poor”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXVII No 44, October 23, 1999, p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Fighting to the Finish”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 12 No 10, October 1999, p.19.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Environmental Impact of Urban Development Projects”, Journal of Construction Management, National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Mumbai, Vol XIV No 4, October-December 1999, p.308.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Power and Public Mismanagement”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXVIII No 20, May 6, 2000, p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “BMIC Project and the Development Debate”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXVIII No 43, October 14, 2000, p.28.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “PEtegaLa Pragathiyinda ParisaradallAguva ParinAmagaLu” (“The Environmental Effects of Urban Development”), Hosathu Kannada Monthly, Navakarnataka Publications, Bangalore, October 2000, p.42.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Tehelka in the Army”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIX No 18, April 21, 2001, p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Energy and Society”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIX No 22, May 19, 2001, p.14.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “To Talk or not to Talk, that is the Question: India's Hamletian Choice”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIX No 32, July 28, 2001, p.8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The 9/11 Attack on WTC: Terror of Reactive Violence”, Deccan Herald, Bangalore, September 23, 2001, p.II.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The 9/11 Attack on WTC: Is Military Action a Solution against Terrorism”, Text of talk delivered on All India Radio, Mysore, October 5, 2001.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Enron: The Issues and how they affect us”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XXXIX No 48, November 17, 2001, p.17.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “On Dr. Kalam's Vision ‘Developed India by 2020’!”, Philosophy and Social Action, New Delhi, Vol 27 No 4, October-December 2001, p.25.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Damaging Judiciary's Dignity: The Naked Truth”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XL No 14, March 23, 2002, p.32.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Waging War on Terrorism”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 15 No 5, May 2002, p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Power Reforms: Looking beyond Privatization”, Deccan Herald, Bangalore, July 26, 2002.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Effects of Armed Conflict on Children: The Fight-Now-Pay-Later Scheme”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 15 No 10, October 2002, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Prosperity, Dreams and Social Justice”, Philosophy and Social Action, Vol 28 No 4, October-December 2002, p.47.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Prosperity, Dreams and Human Costs”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 15, No 11, November 2002, p.18.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “An Economy on Loan: The Unholy Nexus of Borrowing and Lending”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLI No 50, November 30, 2002, p.25.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Reforms in the Electric Power Sector: Should Reforms end in Privatization?”, Proceedings of National Seminar on Indian Power Sector – Retrospects and Prospects, Bangalore, February 8, 2003, p.17.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Emasculation of the UN - Open letter to Kofi Annan”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLI No 23, May 24, 2003, p.8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Of Madness and Lost Causes”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLI No 24, May 31, 2003, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Corporate Influence on Democracy: Cancer of the Body Politic – Can it be cured?”; New Quest, Mumbai; October-December 2003; pp.17-23.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Vanishing Ecosystem: A Lost Name”, Down To Earth, Centre for Science & Environment, New Delhi, Vol 12 No 4, July 15, 2003, p.56.
- Vombatkere, S.G.., “Interlinking National Rivers: To Link or Not To Link?”; Booklet “River Linking: A Millennium Folly?”, Published by National Alliance of People's Movements, Ed:Medha Patkar, January 2004; pp.30-54.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Corporate Influence on Democracy: Cancer of the Body Politic – Can it be cured?”; Health Action, The Catholic Health Association of India; February 2004; pp.31-35.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Listen to the real India that is Bharat”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 17 No 3, March 2004, p.35.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Corporatising Armed Conflict”, The Hindu, Chennai, June 29, 2004,
- Vombatkere, S.G. and Vombatkere, Asha, “Engineering Interventions for Flood Control: A Simplistic Interlinking Concept”, International Conference on Regional Cooperation on Trans-boundary Rivers: Impact of the Indian River-Linking Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 17-19, 2004.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Short Note on Floods and Droughts: Linking River Basins”, International Conference on Regional Cooperation on Trans-boundary Rivers: Impact of the Indian River-Linking Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 17-19, 2004.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “In case of a Nuclear War”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 18 No 10, October 2005, p.21.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Discussing the City's Water Needs at ADB, Manila: Parts 1, 2 and 3”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, December 13, 14 and 15, 2005, p.10, p.10. p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Health Tourism and its Impact on the Health Economy”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 19 No 3, March 2006, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Thousand Steps to the Top”, Deccan Herald, Bangalore, April 30, 2006, p.5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Non-violence and Rampaging Mobs”, Mangalore Today, Mangalore, Vol 10 No 3, April 2006, p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Sixty Years after the Tryst with Freedom”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, August 14, 2006, p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Narmada Valley People Cornered”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIV No 40, September 23, 2006, p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Urbanizing Farmers: Bleeding the Poor, Fattening the Rich”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIV No 48, November 18, 2006, p.7.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Tipaimukh Dam: Open letter to the Prime Minister”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIV No 49, November 25, 2006, p.31.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Governance by Ballot or Bullet? - Armed Forces Special Powers Act”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIV No 50, December 2, 2006, p.21.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Special Economic Zones: Neo-zamindari Zones?”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIV No 51, December 9, 2006, p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Hindu Insight: A Lay Person's Interpretation of Hinduism in the 21st Century”, Inter-Religious Insight, World Congress of Faiths and Common Ground, USA, Vol 5 No 1, January 2007, p.62-64.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “From Water Crisis to Constitutional Crisis: A Suggested Solution”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, February 12, 2007, p.2.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “From Water Crisis to Constitutional Crisis?: A Suggested Solution”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLV No 9, February 17, 2007, p.3.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Interlinking Rivers Viability: Systems Approach”, Dams, Rivers and People, South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People, New Delhi, Vol 5 No 1-2, February-March 2007, p.5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Special Economic Zones”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 20 No 4, April 2007, p.26.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Global Warning of Global Warming”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, April 12, 2007, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Case of the Fence eating the Crop”, Deccan Herald, Bangalore, May 18, 2007, p.III.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Urbanizing Farmers: Bleeding the Poor, Fattening the Rich”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 20 No 6, June 2007, p.17.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Ram Sethu and Sethusamudram Project: Open letter to President, PM and Sonia Gandhi”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLV No 40, September 22, 2007, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Listen here, Wannabe Corporators!”, Deccan Herald, Bangalore, September 22, 2007, p.III.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Ode to A Garbage Bin”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLV No 40, October 5, 2007.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Statement on the Gujarat carnage 2002”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLV No 50, December 1, 2007.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Public Health in India: Why it is a Failure”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 20 No 12, December 2007, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Systems Approach to Interlinking Rivers in India: An examination of Viability”, An Anthology of Essays “Interlinking of Rivers in India: Issues and Concerns”, Ed: M. Monirul Qader Mirza, et al; Pub: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008, pp.77-89.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Consequences: Agro-Economic Ramblings”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVI No 15, March 29, 2008, p.28.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Interlinking Rivers: A Systems View”, Journal of the Institution of Military Engineers, Pune, Vol 20 No 1, April 2008, p.42.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aao Hum Sangharsh Karein” (“Come, Join the Struggle”), Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVI No 22, May 17, 2008, p.7.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “On Sethusamudram Project” (Communication), Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVI No 24, May 31, 2008, p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Some Concerns about GM Foods”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVI No 27, June 21, 2008, p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Slaying of A.T.Babu: The Latest in Failure of Governance”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVI No 33, August 2, 2008, p.20.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Nuclear Deal and some Strategic Considerations: A South Asia Perspective”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVI No 34, August 9, 2008, p.23.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Searching for Neutrinos in Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, August 11, 2008, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Searching for Neutrinos in Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary”, Vijayvaani Website, August 24, 2008,
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Nuclear Deal: Some Strategic Considerations”, Mangalore Today, Mangalore, Vol 12 No 9, August 2008, p.30.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Conversions, Lawlessness and the State: Who is in Charge?”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, September 24, 2008, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Conversions, Lawlessness and the State”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVI No 412, September 27, 2008, p.11.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Not all Conversions are bad in Law”, Indian Currents, Delhi, Vol XX No 40, September 29, 2008, p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Fauj: Who rules it?”, Journal of the Institution of Military Engineers, Pune, Vol 20 No 2, October 2008, p.38.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Making Pakistan Pay the Price”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 1, December 20, 2008, p.43.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India at a Crossroads: Instrumentality of the Military”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 8, February 7, 2009, p.23.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India at the Crossroads-Part 1 and 2”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, February 12 and 14, 2009, p.4, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Enforcing Cultural Values: Attack in a Mangalore Pub”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 9, February 14, 2009, p.35.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Tackling Terrorism”, The Light of Andamans, Port Blair, Vol 33 No 40, March 20, 2009, p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “On Ajmal Kasab's Trial”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 17, April 11, 2009, p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Doormats Cast(e) Aside”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 18, April 18, 2009, p.14.
- Chakravarthy, N.S. and Vombatkere, S.G., “Pay Commission and Morale among the Defence Services”, Economic and Political Weekly, Mumbai, Vol XLIV No 17, April 25, 2009, p.15.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Great Pole (Poll) Vault”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 21, May 9, 2009, p.33.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Genetic Engineering: How it affects us”, The Institution of Engineers (India), Mysore Chapter, Vol 5 No 7, May 2009, p.1.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Shifting of Excel Plant Won't Solve the Problem”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, June 4, 2009, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Why are Farmers moving to the Cities?”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 28, June 27, 2009, p.15.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Disaster and Displacement”, Health Action, Catholic Health Association of India, Secunderabad, Vol 22 No 7, July 2009, p.26.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “For a Legal discussion on UI Number” (Communication), Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 34, August 8, 2009, p.33.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Sell-out to the Powerful: History Repeats itself”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 35, August 15, 2009, p.51.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Unique Identification of Indian Citizens”, Star of Mysore, Mysore, August 21, 2009, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Open Letter Against Re-energising WTO Talks”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 38, September 5, 2009, p.31.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Understanding and Tackling Terrorism”, World Without Wars, Ed. Dr.Leo Rebello; Pub: Dr.Leo Rebello, International Association of Educators for World Peace, Mumbai-400101; October 2, 2009; pp.302-307.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Managing Disasters and Displacement”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVII No 48, November 14, 2009, p.17.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Third Position – Non-alignment with violence”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 13, March 20, 2010, p.29-31.
- Vombatkere, Sudhir, “The Third Position – Non-alignment with violence”, PUCL Bulletin, New Delhi, Vol XXX No 4, April 2010, p.7-10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The US War Machine – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 17, April 17, 2010, p.25-30.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The US War Machine: Securing global resources is vital for the USA and it has designed its military accordingly.”, <>; Ea O Ka Aina blogspot.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “An Examination of Conflict – Costs, Benefits and More”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 19, May 1, 2010, p.11-17.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Conserving Trees“; <>; Ground Report India; May 24, 2010.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Open letter to Sonia Gandhi”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 24, June 5, 2010, p.12, 25.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Niyamgiri, Orissa and the Movie 'Avatar': Reel and Real – Uncanny Resemblances”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 30, July 17, 2010, p.15-17.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Urgent Open letter to Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh and Chidambaram ”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 32, July 31, 2010, p.9,10, 23.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “People Celebrate a Victory; VIJAYAGALLU – A Rare Event in Troubled Times”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 33, August 7, 2010, p.22-23.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Commonwealth Games”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 34, August 14, 2010.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Growing Role of Defence Forces in Governance – An Invitation for Emergency”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 36, August 28, 2010, p.25-26.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nine Years On: India's Strategic Hot Potato”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 38, September 11, 2010, p.3,4,39.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Deepening India-US Strategic Ties - Evidences and Repercussions”, <>;; September 22, 2010.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Deepening India-US Strategic Ties - Evidences and Repercussions”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 40, September 25, 2010, p.13-15.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Military ties for industrial interests”,; <>, October 1, 2010.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nine Years On: India's Strategic Hot Potato”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol X No 2, October 2010, p.33-36.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Faith, Fact and the Law in Ayodhya - An Appeal in the National Interest”, <>;; October 18, 2010.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Faith, Fact and the Law in Ayodhya - An Appeal in the National Interest”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLVIII No 44, October 23, 2010, p.9-10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India-US Strategic Partnership Serving India's Best Interest”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol X No 3, November 2010, p.22-25.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “National Role for India's Veterans – Learning from USA's Veteran”, <>;; January 12, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “National Role for India's Veterans – Learning from USA's Veterans”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 6, January 26, 2011, p.27-31.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “National Role for India's Veterans – Learning from USA's Veterans”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol X No 6, February 2011, p.27-32.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Where are the Nobel Peace Laureates?”, <>;; February 11, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Fukushima Nuclear Accident – Unmeasured amount of radioactive material discharged into the environment”, <>; Global Research; February 13, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Maoist kidnappings – Who gains by the blame game?”, <>;; February 22, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Blame game: Who Gains?”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 11, March 5, 2011, p.20-21.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Fukushima nuclear accident: Sobering reflections”, <>;; March 14, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Fukushima rings the warning bell”,; March 14, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Fukushima nuclear accident: Sobering reflections”, Star of Mysore, March 15, 2011, p.1 and 8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear power: Real risks, real costs”, <>;; March 17, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Fukushima nuclear accident: Sobering reflections”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 13, March 19, 2011, p.4, 38.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear power: Real risks, real costs”, Star of Mysore, March 29, 2011, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear power: Real risks, real costs”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 14, March 26, 2011, p.3, 4, 39.
- Vombatkere, S.G. & N.S.Chakravarthy, “Uranium enrichment plant: Focus on Mysore”, <>;; March 31, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Governance and the Armed Forces”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 15, April 2, 2011, p.19-20.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Fukushima nuclear accident: Sobering reflections”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol X No 8, April 2011, p.23-25.
- Vombatkere, S.G. and Chakravarthy, N.S., “Uranium enrichment plant: Focus on Mysore”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 16, April 9, 2011, p.8-10.
- Vombatkere, S.G. and Chakravarthy, N.S., “Uranium enrichment plant: Focus on Mysore”, Star of Mysore, May 5 and 6, 2011, p.16.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear Accident Evacuation Blues: Moving India's Millions”, <>;; May 07, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dear Jairam Ramesh, please listen”, <>;; May 11, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Letter to Dr.Manmohan Singh (POSCO)”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 21, May 14, 2011, p.15-16.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Lying Down for Justice, Children Show the Way”, <>;; June 13, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear Accident Evacuation Blues – Moving India's Millions”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol X No 10, June 2011, p.23-26.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Children Show the Way”, <>;; June 18, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Rare Event in Troubled Times”, <>;; June 19, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Prosperity, Dreams and Human Costs”, <>;; June 22, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “National Role for India's Veterans”, <>;; June 23, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Children Show the Way; Lying down for Justice”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 27, June 25, 2011, p.7.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Tehelka Images Show Cop Brutality in Bihar, India”, <>;; June 27, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Peculiar political situation”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 30, July 16, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Ethics in science and technology: Dimensions of public discourse”, <>;; July 21, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The UID Aadhaar Project will make Constitution of India a dead document”, <>;; July 28, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Making the State master of citizens”,; <>; July 28, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Odisha's Little Gandhians”,; <>; August 1, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Odisha's Little Gandhians”, <>; August 2, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The UID Aadhaar Project: System design and security considerations”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 33, August 6, 2011, p.17-21.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The UID Aadhaar Project: System design and security considerations”, <>; August 6, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aadhaar needs to be transparent”, New Age Weekly; <>, August 5, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “UID Aadhaar As If People Matter”, <>;; August 8, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Into that Heaven of Freedom from Corruption, Let my Country Awake”,<>;; August 15, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Into that Heaven of Freedom from Corruption, Let my Country Awake”,<>; Asian Tribune; August 16, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Into that Heaven of Freedom from Corruption, Let my Country Awake”,<>; Ground Report India; August 16, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Into that Heaven of Freedom from Corruption, Let my Country Awake”,<>; Asian Tribune; August 16, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Bungling government creates an icon”,; <>; August 18, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Lokpal Conundrum: Steering between hardened stances”,<>;; August 24, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Lokpal Conundrum: Formula-5 for total reformation”, Star of Mysore, August 24, 2011, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Into that Heaven of Freedom from Corruption, Let My Country Awake”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 36, August 27, 2011, p.23.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Odisha's Little Gandhians”, The Colloquium; <>; September 17, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “UID Aadhaar As If People Matter”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 39, September 17, 2011, p.7-9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Letter to Nandan Nilekani”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 41, October 1, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “PM should sack Montek”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 43, October 15, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “An Appeal: Urgent Need For Left Unity And Coordinated Progressive Action”,<>;; November 8, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Urgent Need for Left Unity and Coordinated Progressive Action”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol XLIX No 47, November 12, 2011, p.24-26.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Urgent Need for Left Unity and Coordinated Progressive Action”, <>; Brave New World; November 12, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Ethics in Science and Technology: Dimensions of Public Discourse”, The Colloquium; <>; December 14, 2011.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Managing Disasters and Displacement”,<>;; January 19, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Misuse of intelligence: Right to dissent”,<>;; January 27, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Misuse of intelligence: Right to dissent”; <>; Kashmir Monitor; January 29, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The UID Aadhaar Project: System Design and Security Considerations”; Ground Report India, New Delhi, Vol 1, Issue 2, 15 Jan-14 Apr 2012; pp.82-86.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Open Letter to the President, PM, Ministers”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 9, February 18, 2012, p.4-5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “U.S Special Forces in India: Sovereignty Issues and the Military”,<>;; March 5, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “U.S Special Forces in India: Sovereignty Issues and the Military”,<>; International Movement for a Just World; March 8, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “National Sovereignty and the Military”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 12, March 10, 2012, p.5-6, 32.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Interlinking Rivers: The Spectre Rises Again”,<>;; March 20, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Rathnamma's Story: UID Aadhaar & LPG Supply”, Star Of Mysore; March 25, 2012; p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Defence Preparedness: Learning From The Past”,<>;; March 30, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Defence Preparedness: Learning from past mistakes”, Star Of Mysore; Part 1 - March 31, 2012, p.@@; Part 2 - April 1, 2012, p.@@.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Sovereignty Issues & The Military: U.S Special Forces in India”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol XI No 8, April 2012, p.30-33.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Defence Preparedness: Learning From The Past”,<>; Haindava Keralam; April 1, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “General vs Government: Defence Preparedness: Learning from the Past“; <>; Bharata Bharati, April 1, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Antony's and Singh's Dilemma”,<>;; April 12, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “General vs Government: Defence Preparedness: Learning from the Past”; <>; Bharata Bharati; April 12, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Defence Preparedness: Learning from the Past”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 16, April 7, 2012, p.5-6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Antony and General Singh's Dilemma: Honesty and National Security”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 18, April 21, 2012, p.7-9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Rational National Security: Mechanism for defence preparedness”,<>;; April 22, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Rational National Security: Mechanism for Defence Preparedness and National Security”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 19, April 21, 2012, p.4-8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Rational National Security – Mechanism for Defence Preparedness and National Security”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol XI No 9, May 2012, p.28-34.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Trust Deficit: People's Struggle at Koodankulam”, <>;; May 29, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Trust Deficit: People's Struggle at Koodankulam”, <>; Brave New World; June 7, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Trust Deficit: People's Struggle at Kudankulam”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 25, June 9, 2012, p.4-5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Siachen Imbroglio”, <>;; June 11, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Siachen Imbroglio”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 26, June 16, 2012, p.4-6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Siachen Imbroglio”, <>; Indian Defence Review; June 20, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “UID Aadhaar – As If People Matter”, The Colloquium; <>; June 22, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Library in People's Park: Citizens meet 'morrow”, Star of Mysore; June 23, 2012; page 5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India At A Crossroads: Whither India, Whither Bharat?”,<>;; July 30, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Country at Crossroads: Whither India, Whither Bharat?”, Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 33, August 4, 2012, p.3-4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Money for Mars, Protest and Chaos”,<>;; August 14, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Siachen Imbroglio: Immediacy for Peace”, The Colloquium; <>; August 15, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Peaceful Resistance”, <>; The Gulf Today; August 28, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Rational National Security”, Indian Defence Review, Vol.27(3), Jul-Sep 2012, pp.96-101.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Noble Children of Idinthikarai”,<>;; August 18, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Government, leave these kids alone”, The Hindu; Op-Ed page; August 27, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., On Koodankulam NPP - “Peaceful resistance”, <>; The Gulf Today; August 28, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Government, leave these kids alone”, <>; Kracktivist; September 10, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Soviet Union Dumped Enormous Quantities Of Nuclear Waste In Kara Sea In The Arctic Ocean“, <>;; September 10, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Scandals in the Military and the Way Forward”; <>; India of My Dreams; September 11, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Soviet Union Dumped Enormous Quantities of Nuclear Waste in the Arctic Ocean”, <>; Brave New World; September 12, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aseem Trivedi is not Seditious“, <>;; September 16, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aseem Trivedi is not Seditious” <>; Kalimpong News, September 16, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aseem Trivedi is not Seditious“, <>; The Kashmir Monitor; September 17, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Money for Mars, Protest and Chaos”; <>; Indo-Canada Outlook, September 2012, Vol.7, No.2.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Long Live Political Cartoonists!”, <>;; September 20, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dangers at Koodankulam”, <>;; September 21, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aseem Trivedi is not seditious”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 40, September 22, 2012, pp.6,16.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dangers at Koodankulam”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 41, September 29, 2012, pp.11-13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Uranium Contaminated Water For Drinking In Punjab”, <>;; October 1, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Siachen Imbroglio”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol XII No 2, October 2012, p.35-39.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Off Target: Emergency Defence Purchase”; The Sappers; June 1963; <>; October 8, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India: Emergency Defence Purcase”; <>; Asian Tribune, October 9, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Water Wars: The Kaveri Battle”, <>;; October 12, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Water Wars – The Kaveri Battle in India”, <>; Brave New World; October 13, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Water Wars on Cauvery ...”, Star of Mysore, October 13, 2012; p.8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Lessons from 1962: Is 50 Years Not Enough?”, <>;; October 24, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is 50 Years Not Enough?”, <>;; October 24, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dissolute Government, Disillusioned People”, <>;; November 2, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Lessons from 1962: Is 50 years not enough?”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 46, November 3, 2012, pp.11-12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Rational National Security”; Indian Defence Review; Vol 27.3 Jul-Sep 2012; November 5, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Demilitarizing Siachen: Trading Strategic Advantage for Brownie Points”; <>;; November 8, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Demilitarizing Siachen: Trading Strategic Advantage for Brownie Points”; Indian Defence Review; Net Edition; November 8, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Demilitarizing Siachen: Trading Strategic Advantage for Brownie Points”; Indian Strategic Studies blog spot; November 9, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dissolute Governments, Disillusioned People”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol L No 47, November 10, 2012, pp.4-5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Lessons from 1962: Is 50 Years not Enough?”; Indian Defence Review; Net Edition, November 13, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dangers at Koodankulam”; The Colloquium; <>; November 18, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is the 'Babu' scared of Veterans' Skills?”; Indian Defence Review; Net Edition; November 30, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Armed Forces Veterans: Do they have a national role?”; Asian Tribune; December 2, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Armed Forces Veterans: Do they have a national role?”; Indian Defence Research Wing; December 2, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Armed Forces Veterans: Do they have a national role?”; Kalimpong News; December 3, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA: Who wants the military for internal security?”; Indian Defence Review; Net Edition; December 4, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Armed Forces Special Powers Act: Who wants the military for internal security?”; Kalimpong News; December 5, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Armed Forces Special Powers Act: Who wants the military for internal security?”; <>;; December 5, 2012.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA: Who wants the military for internal security?”; Kashmir Monitor; December 6, 2012; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Cauvery Dispute: A solution is possible”; Star of Mysore, December 8, 2012; p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Armed Forces Veterans: Do they have a national role?”; Star of Mysore, December 19, 2012; p.10, 12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA: Who wants the military for internal security?”; Uday India, New Delhi; Vol.4, No.2; December 22, 2012, pp.18-20; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Violating the Vulnerable: Manifestations and Attitudes”; <>;; January 1, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Violating the Vulnerable: Manifestations and Attitudes”; <>; Brave New World; January 2, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Violating the Vulnerable: Manifestations and Attitudes”; <>; Brave New World; January 2, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Violating the Vulnerable: Manifestations and Attitudes”; <>; Dissident Voice; January 2, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Siachen Imbroglio”, Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol XII No 5, January 2013, p.33-37.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India and Pakistan: Between Hawks and Peaceniks, Is There a Middle Path?”; <>;; January 16, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India and Pakistan: Between Hawks and Peaceniks, Is There a Middle Path?”; <>; Indian Defence Review; January 17, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Violating the Vulnerable: Manifestations and Attitudes”; Part-1 & Part-2; Star of Mysore, January 17, 2013, p.4 & January 18, 2013, p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Between Hawks and Peaceniks, Is There a Middle Path?”; <>; <>; The Kashmir Monitor; January 18 & 21, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Battle for the right to vote: Voters' ID cards are error-prone”; Star of Mysore; January 21, 2013; p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Who Benefits From India's Diesel Subsidy?”; <>;; January 23, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Benefits of Diesel Subsidy – A Story from Mumbai“; <>; Asian Tribune; January 25, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “UID Aadhaar Project is said to be not mandatory”; <>; Asian Tribune; January 29, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Government forcing down Aadhaar by threatening exclusion from benefits, services?”; <>; Moneylife; January 30, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India and Pakistan: Between Hawks and Peaceniks is there a Middle Path?”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 6, January 26, 2013, pp.27-32.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India and Pakistan: Between Hawks and Peaceniks is there a Middle Path?”; <>; The Hindu, Opinion / Op-Ed; February 2, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Questions for Mr. Nilekani“; <>; The Hindu, OpEd; February 6, 2013, p 13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “UID - Some Questions to Mr. Nilekani“; <>; India Resists; February 6, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Unethical Extra-legal Coercion in UID Aadhaar Project”; <>;; February 7, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Violating the Vulnerable: Manifestations and Attitudes”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 8, February 9, 2013, pp.9-12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Benefits of Diesel Subsidy – A Story from Mumbai“; Star of Mysore; February 10, 2013; p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Direct Cash Transfer: Who Does It Benefit?”; <>;; February 14, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Benefits of Diesel Subsidy: A Story from Mumbai”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 9, February 16, 2013, pp.10-11.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Direct Cash Transfer: Who Does It Benefit?”; Star of Mysore; February 19, 2013, p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Direct Cash Transfer: Who Does It Benefit?”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 10, February 23, 2013, pp.27-28.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA – Misconceptions and Ground Realities”; Indian Defence Review; Net Edition; March 12, 2013; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA – Misconceptions and Ground Realities”; <>;; March 12, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA – Misconceptions and Ground Realities”; The News Collective; <>; March 13, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA – Misconceptions and Ground Realities”; Institute of Strategic Studies; <>; March 13, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India and Pakistan: Between Hawks and Peaceniks is there a Middle Path?”; Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol XII No 7, March 2013, p.27-33.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA – Misconceptions and Ground Realities”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 13, March 16, 2013, pp.7-13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aadhaar for Birth, Marriage and Death”; <>;; March 25, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aadhaar for Birth, Marriage and Death”; Star of Mysore; March 27, 2013; p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “UID-Aadhaar – Extra-legal Coercion”; Frontier Weekly, Kolkata; March 24-30, 2013; p.12-14.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear Power: The Politics of Power and Control”; <>;; April 3, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Politics of Power and Control: Focus on Nuclear Power”; <>;; April 3, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Politics of Power and Control: Focus on Nuclear Power”; <>; Brave New World; April 5, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aadhaar for Birth, Marriage and Death”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 16, April 6, 2013, p.5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “AFSPA: Misconceptions and Ground Realities”; Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol XII No 8, April 2013, pp.12-19.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Politics of Power and Control: Focus on Nuclear Power”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 17, April 13, 2013, pp.4, 35.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “UID-Aadhaar – A Critique”; National Seminar on Managerial Challenges in Implementing the Aadhaar Program in India; Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Mysore; April 26, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Army's Right to Rape and Kill?”; Star of Mysore; April 30, 2013; p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Common men and women's uncommon services”; Star of Mysore; May 6, 2013; p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Ring-side View of the Chinese Incursion”; <>;; May 7, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Have Indian troops abandoned Indian territory?”; Indian Defence Review; <>; May 8, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Have Indian troops abandoned Indian territory?”; Asian Tribune; <>; May 8, 2013.
- Vombatkere,“Have Indian troops abandoned Indian territory?”; S.G., <>; Indian Strategic Studies; May 8, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Have Indian troops abandoned Indian territory?: A Ring-side View of the Chinese Incursion”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 21, May 11, 2013, p.17-18.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Edward Snowden's Wake Up Call: Cyber Security, Surveillance And Democracy”; <>;; June 21, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Edward Snowden's Wake Up Call: Cyber Security, Surveillance And Democracy”; Asian Tribune; <>; June 23, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Edward Snowden's Wake Up Call: Cyber Security, Surveillance And Democracy”;; <>; June 23, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Edward Snowden's Wake Up Call: Cyber Security, Surveillance And Democracy”; Biometrics – Applied Science Site; <>; June 23, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Edward Snowden's Wake Up Call: Cyber Security, Surveillance And Democracy”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 28, June 29, 2013, p.5-9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Raising The Height Of The Sardar Sarovar Project Dam Is A Betrayal Of The Displaced People”; <>;; July 1, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Raising The Height Of The Sardar Sarovar Project Dam Is A Betrayal Of The Displaced People”; <>; Frontier Weekly, Kolkata; July 1, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Joining The Security Dots – Cybersecurity, Surveillance and Democracy” ; Indian Defence Review; <>; July 6, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Koodankulam Nuclear Plant Commissioning – An Open Letter to Prime Minister of India and Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu”; <>;; July 16, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Pushing Koodankulam to criticality is undemocratic: Maj Gen Vombatkere's Letter to the PM”; <>;; July 16, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Open letter Against Commissioning of Koodankulam Nuclear Plant”; <>; Asian Tribune; July 17, 2013.
- Editor Mainstream; “An Apology”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 31, July 20, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Whither Mysore's Mandakalli Airport?”; Star of Mysore; July 22, 2013, p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Open letter to PM and Tamil Nadu CM”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 32, July 27, 2013, p.14.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Edward Snowden's Wake Up Call: Cyber Security, Surveillance And Democracy”; Frontier Weekly, Vol 46, No.3; July 28, 2013, p.6-9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Edward Snowden's Wake Up Call: Cyber Security, Surveillance And Democracy”; Defence Watch, August 2013, Vol 12, No.12, p.22-27.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “KKNPP Goes Critical”; <>; Frontier Weekly, Kolkata; Vol.46, No.6; August 18-24, 2013; p.2-3.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Tales That Pictures Tell: Body Language in Strategy and Negotiations”; <>;; September 1, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Open Secrets: Effects on Sovereignty and Democracy”; <>; Indian Defence Review; September 6, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Open Secrets: Effects on Sovereignty and Democracy”; <>;; September 6, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Open Secrets: Effects on Sovereignty and Democracy”; <>; Brave New World; September 9, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Flybus service to Bangalore Airport: How wise?”; Star of Mysore; September 17, 2013, p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aadhaar stalled”; The Hindu; <>; September 25, 2013, Op-Ed Page, p.11.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “SC ruling exposes chinks in Aadhaar”; City Today, Mysore; September 25, 2013, p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Open Secrets: Effects on Sovereignty and Democracy”; Defence Watch, October 2013, Vol 13, No.2, p.24-30.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Values in the Army”; Indian Defence Review; <>; October 15, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Energy Management – An Overview”; Global Month of Action on Energy, October 11 to November 11, 2013; Star Of Mysore, October 18, 2013, p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Vigilance And Corruption: Where is Governance Headed?“; <>;; November 5, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Vigilance And Corruption: Where is Governance Headed?“; <>; Turning Point India; November 9, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Wearing helmets: Different States, Different Takes”; Star of Mysore; November 13, 2013, p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Vigilance And Corruption: Where is Governance Headed?“; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 47, November 9, 2013, pp.13-18.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Values in the Army: A Discussion and Some Questions”; Defence Watch, November 2013, Vol 13, No.3, pp.17-25.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Some Thoughts On Bharat Ratna Awardees”; <>;; November 19, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Open Secrets: Effects on Sovereignty and Democracy”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 48, November 16, 2013, pp.27-31.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is There a Hindu Left?”; <>;; November 24, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is There a Hindu Left in India?”; <>; Brave New World; November 24, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is There a Hindu Left?”;<>; Dalit Liberation; November 24, 2013.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is there a Hindu Left?”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LI No 50, November 30, 2013, pp.16-19.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear Collusion”; <>;; January 14, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear Collusion: From Fukushima to Gorakhpur”; <>;; January 14, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Nuclear Collusion”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 5, January 25, 2014; pp.25-30.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Tell Highways Ministry to give up 5-km of NH-212 between Teresian College via Lalitha Mahal Road touching Nanjangud Road”; Star of Mysore; January 27, 2014; p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “PaadacharigaLa bagge eccharavirili”; Mysooru Mitra, Mysore, February 11, 2014; p.4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Traders and Soldiers: Mr.Narendra Modi Speaks”; <>;; February 28, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Tales That Pictures Tell: Body language in strategy and negotiations”; Defence Watch, March 2014, Vol 13, No.7, p.29-31.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “From the Left Roots”; <>;; April 7, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “GMOs and Scientific Hegemony”; <>;; April 10, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., ”From the Left Roots”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 16, April 12, 2014; pp.15-19.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “From the Left Roots”; <>; Frontier Weekly, Kolkata; April 14, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Elections 2014: Where Is India Headed?”; <>;; April 19, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Whither the 16th Parliament?”; Star of Mysore; April 21, 2014; p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “When Interests Clash: The 95-Paise nexus”; <>;; April 29, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Project Airport Vs Project Road – A Clash of Interests”; <>; Star of Mysore; May 4, 2014; p.14.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “In the Line of Shock: CESC must do more to protect linemen”; Star of Mysore; May 6, 2014; p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Political Crystal Ball-gazing or Whither the 16th Parliament”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 20; May 10, 2014; pp.31-32.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “BJP: The People's Choice – But ...”; <>;; May 16, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Mirror, Mirror On The Wall”; <>;; May 18, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “We The People Will Hold Mr. Narendra Modi And His Cabinet Accountable“; <>;; May 22, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “From the Left Roots”; Frontier Weekly, Kolkata; Vol 46, No 44; May 11-17, 2014; pp.6-9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., ”BJP: The People's Choice, But ...”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 22, May 24, 2014; pp.3-4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Road Too Far – NH-212 through Mysore is UNACCEPTABLE”; <>; Star of Mysore; June 1, 2014, p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Strategizing Climate Change”; <>;; June 2, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Climate Change: Uncomfortable Realities”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 24, June 7, 2014; pp.24-26.
- Vombatkere, S.G., ”On SC Judge's views”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 34, August 16, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Politics And The Indian Military”; <>;; August 20, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Politics and The Indian Military”; Defence Watch, September 2014, Vol 14, No.1, p.34-35.
- Vombatkere, S.G., ”Corporatising War and Conflict: The Military-Industrial Complex in USA and India”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 42, August 11, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Will Mysore go the 'Bangalore Way'?: Utilise public funds for useful purposes - Why should any Indian city be modelled on some foreign city?”; Star of Mysore; October 15, 2014, p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Opposing the 400KV D/C HT Line Connecting Mysore With Kozhikode”; <>;; October 22, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A purposeless power-line via Kodagu to Kerala: A case of spending money to benefit contractor, bureaucrat and politician”; <>; Star of Mysore; October 28, 2014; p.11.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Opposing the 400 KV Double Circuit (D/C) HT line connecting Mysore with Kozhikode: Meeting at Kodava Samaja, Ponnampet“; <>;; October 30, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Safe Nuclear Power: Fact And Myth”; <>;; October 31, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Safe Nuclear Power: Fact and Myth”; <>;; November 1, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Unclear Nuclear Issues”; <>;; November 3, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Deja vu – A Historical Precedent to SEZs of August 22, 1639“; Defence Watch, November 2014, Vol 14, No.3, p.37-39.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Yuvaraja's College: Risky new construction?“; Star of Mysore; November 16, 2014; p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Who Wants Military for Internal Security?”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 48, November 22, 2014; pp.10-12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Leadership, Aspirations and Values”; Pinnacle, The ARTRAC Journal, Army Training Command, India; Vol 13, 2014; pp.155-164.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Safe Nuclear Power: Fact and Myth”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LII No 51, December 13, 2014; pp.28-30.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Scientific Temper And More”; <>;; December 16, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Nation And The Soldier”; <>;; December 24, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Unclear Nuclear Issues”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII No 1, December 27, 2014; pp.91-94.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The 'Ordinance Route' In Land Acquisition Act Against The Spirit Of The Constitution Of India”; <>;; December 31, 2014.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Scientific Temper And More”; Mangalore Today, Mangalore, December 2014; Vol 18, Issue 12; pp.28-29.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Nation And The Soldier”; Defence Watch, January 2015, Vol 14, No.5, p.26-29.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Uniform Civil Code: Do We Need One?”; <>;; January 19, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Republic Day Advertisement: A Blatant Corruption Of The Constitution Of India”; <>;; February 2, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Let us Salute our Constitution”; Star of Mysore; February 3, 2015; p.9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Uniform Civil Code: Do We Need One?”; Star of Mysore; February 11, 2015; p.8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Personal Debt Recalled on Republic Day”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII No 10, February 28, 2015; p.28.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Corruption of the Constitution of India”; Mangalore Today, Mangalore, <>; March 7, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Public Hero: Paying For Honesty”; <>;; March 21, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Public Hero – Paying For Honesty”; Star of Mysore; March 26, 2015; p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Examinations and Professional Competence”; <>;; March 27, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Examinations and Professional Competence”; Star of Mysore; March 30, 2015; p.7.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Public Hero – Paying For Honesty”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII No 14, March 28, 2015; p.17.
- Vombatkere, Sudhir, “Examinations and Professional Competence”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII No 16, April 11, 2015; p.21-22.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Image of the Defence Services: Corruption among Servicemen and Ex-Servicemen”; Star of Mysore; April 13, 2015; p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The politics of Netaji's death”; Star of Mysore; April 26, 2015; p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Some Perspectives on Food Adulteration”; Star of Mysore; May 3, 2015; p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Some Perspectives on Food Adulteration”; Health Action, Health Accessories for All, Secunderabad, Vol 28 No 5, May 2015, p.4-5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “GM Foods and Public Health”; Health Action, Health Accessories for All, Secunderabad, Vol 28 No 5, May 2015, p.21-23.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Strategizing For Left Resurgence In India”; <>;; May 12, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Widening Roads: Are there wider issues?”; Star of Mysore; May 21, 2015; p.16.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is the “Babu” scared of Veterans' skills?”; Indian Defence Review, New Delhi; <>; May 31, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Bhadrate needuvavarige bekaagide bhadrate” (in Kannada on OROP); Prajavani, June 6, 2015, p.7.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Fuss About One-Rank-One-Pension (OROP)”; <>;; June 7, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Fuss About OROP: One Rank One Pension”; Star of Mysore; June 9, 2015; p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Strategising for Left resurgence in India: Keeping Left is correct, keeping Right is wrong”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII No 25, June 13, 2015; p.16-18.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Uniform Civil Code: Do we need one?”; Indian Journal of Secularism, Mumbai; Vol 19, No 1; April-June 2015; pp.79-82.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Fuss About One-Rank-One-Pension (OROP)”; Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol XIV No 11, July 2015, pp.26-28.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is it 'Now or Never' for India's Left Forces? : Innovate to survive”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII No 31, July 25, 2015; p.22-24.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is it 'Now or Never' for India's Left Forces? : Innovate to survive”; <>;; August 1, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Mourning Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam”; <>;; August 1, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Broken promise: Disdain for a trusted institution”; <>;; August 8, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Mourning Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII, No 34, August 15, 2015; pp.35-36.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Citizen's Trust: Independence Day, Before And After”; <>;; August 18, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Will there be justice for the Late Lance Naik Ved Mitra Chaudhary?”; <>; Moneylife; August 18, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Independence Day 2015: Before and After”; <> ; The Citizen; August 18, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP – Where is the Bitterness?”; <>; The Citizen; August 23, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP – Where is the Bitterness?”; <>;; August 23, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP – Where is the Bitterness?”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII, No 36; August 29, 2015; pp.13-16.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “An Open Letter to PM Narendra Modi – Defence matters: OROP Stalemate”; Star of Mysore; September 1, 2015; p.7.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “So Now What About the Morale of the Man Behind The Gun?”; <>; The Citizen; September 13, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Dimensions of Veterans' Disillusionment and Ire”; <>;; September 15, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP: The dimensions of Veterans' disillusionment and ire”; Star of Mysore; September 16, 2015, p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Dimensions of Veterans' Disillusionment and Ire”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII, No 39; September 19, 2015; pp.5-6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “National Role For Veterans”; Star of Mysore; October 27, 2015; p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The OROP “Gift” Lowers Military Morale, National Security Compromised“; <>;; November 13, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP Face-off – Civil-Military Relations Nose-dive, Impact National Security“; <,/IMPACT/NATIONAL/SECURITY>; The Citizen; November 17, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The OROP 'Gift' that lowers Military Morale: National Security Compromised”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIII, No 48; November 21, 2105; pp.27-28.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “An Unfulfilled Dream: Mysuru's 'Wish-List' Airport”; <>;; November 24, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Land And People: 1894 to 2015 – From Colonial Rulers to Corporate Masters: 121 Years of Resistance“; <>;; December 3, 2015.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “An Unfulfilled Dream: Mysuru's 'Wish-list' Airport”; Star of Mysore; December 8, 2015; p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's (H)Armed Forces OROP: Phony Diwali Gift”; Defence Watch, Dehra Dun, Vol XV No 4, December 2015, pp.24-26.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Land and People: 1894 to 2015 – From Colonial Rulers to Corporate Masters: 121 Years of Resistance”; <>; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No 1; December 26, 2105; pp.49-52.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Beyond Pathankot, Sans Security Doctrine Where NSA’s Take Personal Decisions”; <,/Sans/Security/Doctrine/Where/NSA%E2%80%99s/Take/Personal/Decisions>; The Citizen; January 13, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Looking Beyond The Pathankot Attack“; <>;; January 13, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Polluting India's Cleanest City – The NH-212 Imbroglio”; Star of Mysore; January 14, 2016; p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Security Beyond the Pathankot Attack”; <>; Indian Defence Review, New Delhi; January 15, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Looking Beyond The Pathankot Attack“; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No 6; January 30, 2106; pp.43-44.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Idea of India: Whose Idea Of Which India“; <>;; March 6, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Whose Idea Of Which India? Leave the Army Out Of It Please!”; <!>; The Citizen; March 6, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aadhaar Cuts Into Personal Privacy and National Security”; <—Cuts-Into-Personal-Privacy-and-National-Security>; The Citizen; March 13, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “How Aadhaar Neglects Personal Privacy and National Security”; <>;; March 13, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Privacy and National Security – Aadhaar Bill”; <>; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru, March 16, 2016, p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “How Aadhaar Neglects Personal Privacy and National Security”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No 13; March 19, 2016; pp.15-16.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Idea of India: Whose Idea of Which India”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No 14; March 26, 2016; pp.11-14.
- Vombatkere, S.G., Communication on “One Death: Several Questions”; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No 14; March 26, 2016; pp.24-25.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Idea of India: Whose Idea of Which India?”; The Movement of India, News magazine of NAPM; Vol 10, Issue 2; March-April 2016; pp.4-9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Headlines, Sidelines, Bottom Lines: Fat Men And The Starving Millions”; <>;; May 5, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Headlines, Sidelines, Bottom Lines: Fat Men And The Starving Millions”; <> ; The Citizen; May 6, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Moral Corruption in the Armed Forces”; Fauji India, Mumbai; Vol 2, No.6; May 2016; pp.20-22.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Citizens of Mysuru, remember Chamalapura Victory: Must win Chamundi Hill war with Govt. Also”; Star of Mysore; May 23, 2016; p.8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “What a Water Situation!”; <>;; May 30, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “What A Water Situation! Amidst Government Apathy and Extravaganzas”; <>: The Citizen; May 30, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Headlines, Sidelines, Bottom Lines: Fat Men and the Starving Millions”; Mangalore Today; Vol 20, Issue 5; May 2016; p.28-29.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Scarce Water: Violent Social Situations”; <>; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru; Edit page, June 7, 2016; p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Neoliberalism: Its Reality Exposed”; <>;; June 19, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Neoliberalism-1: The Real Story”; The Citizen; June 21, 2016; “Neoliberalism-2: The Real Story”; The Citizen; June 22, 2016; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Narmada River Valley: Imminent Disaster in the Making”; <>;; June 27, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Neoliberalism: Its Reality Exposed”; <>;; June 27, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dear PM, Fraud and Apathy Has Hit the Displaced Dalits and Adivasis of Narmada Hard”; The Citizen; June 29, 2016; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Narmada River Valley: Imminent Disaster-In-The-Making”; <>; Frontier Weekly, Kolkata; July 4, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Vehicle Exhaust Emissions: Specious Arguments to Mislead the Public”; The Citizen; July 8, 2016; <>.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Supreme Court Speaks, Ending Impunity For The Armed Forces”; <>;; July 9, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Vehicle Exhaust Emissions: Specious Arguments To Confuse And Mislead The Public”; <>;; July 10, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Supreme Court Speaks: Ending Impunity For The Armed Forces“; <>; The Citizen; July 11, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Impact of Neoliberalism: The Changing Paradigm”; <>; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru; July 13, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Neoliberalism: Its Reality Exposed”; <>; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No.30; July 16, 2016; pp.5-9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Kashmir: The Situation Becomes Increasingly Worrisome”; <>; The Citizen; July 17, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Kashmir: Worrying Situation”; <>;; July 18, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Neoliberalism: The Indian Context and Beyond”; <>; CPI M-L Red Star Journal; July 27, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Supreme Court Speaks: Ending Impunity for the Armed Forces”; <>; Mainstream, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No.32; July 30, 2016; pp.8-12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Narmada River Valley Disaster: Open Letter to Chief Justice of India”; <>;; August 4, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Hiroshima 71: Nuclear Industry Shifts Into Violent Opposition Of Pro-Life Advocates”; <>; The Citizen; August 5, 2016.
- Vombatkere,S.G., “Undesirability of Nuclear Power”; <>; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru; August 6, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Hiroshima And Nuclear Power - The Truth of The Matter”; <>;; August 6, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Three Stages of Truth”; <>; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No.33; August 6, 2016; pp.3-4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A General Writes to the Chief Justice of India on Narmada”; <>; The Citizen; August 10, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Dalits Rally”; <>;; August 17, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Una Uprising: A Battle for Freedom”; <>; The Citizen; August 17, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Kashmir – Worrying Situation”; <>; The Kashmir Monitor; August 19, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Relentless Crusade”; Frontline; <>; August 3, 2016; Print Edition - August 19, 2016; pp.100-103.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Swelling Tide of Dalit Unity”; Panorama column; Deccan Herald; Bengaluru; August 20, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Dalits Rise”; <>; Kashmir Times; August 21, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Kashmir – Passing the Parcel”; <>; The Citizen; August 22, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Kashmir – Passing The Parcel”; <>;; August 22, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Dalits’ Rally”; <>; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No.36; August 27, 2016; pp.26-27.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Balochistan and the Oil and Trade of India and China”; <>;; August 30, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Balochistan and the India-China Face-off“; <>; The Citizen; August 31, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Rushing to the oil-trade precipice”; <>; Deccan Herald 'Panorama'; Bengaluru; September 8, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Narmada Bachao Andolan: Thirty Years of Resistance and Reconstruction”; <>; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi, Vol LIV, No.38; September 10, 2016; pp.21-25.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “7CPC: Playing With Fire”; <>; The Citizen; September 13, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “7CPC Tame Retreat: What About the Honour and Welfare of the Men You Command”; <>; The Citizen; September 15, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Attack on the Uri Army Camp: Signals and Lessons”; <>; The Citizen; September 19, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Attack on the Uri Army Camp”; <>;; September 19, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Uri Attack: The Strategic Need of the Hour”; <>; The Citizen; September 21, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., ”Cauvery: Sensible Management Key”; <>; “In Perspective”; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru; September 21, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Wanted, A Chief of Defence Staff, NSA Cannot Determine Military Strategy”; <>; The Citizen; September 22, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Demolishing Dams: Thinking the Unthinkable”; <>; Centre for Policy Analysis, New Delhi; September 22, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's National Security: Will It Remain a Chimera?”; <>;; September 23, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India’s Surgical Strike: Blurring Lines or Crossing Red Lines? Are India and Pakistan moving on collision course?”; Interview by Sukumar Muralidharan; <>; September 30, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “National security: Will it remain a chimera?”; <>; Mainstream Weekly; New Delhi; Vol LIV No 41; October 1, 2016; pp.13-14.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Gwadar and Chabahar: Rushing to the oil-and-trade precipice”: <>; Mainstream Weekly; New Delhi; Vol LIV No 42; October 8, 2016; pp.26-27.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dispel the Spectre of War, Rein in the War Mongers”; <>; The Citizen; October 14, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dispel the spectre of war – It is doable”; Mainstream Weekly; New Delhi; Vol LIV No 44; October 22, 2016; pp.5-6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP: The reality behind the politics”; <>; The Citizen; November 2, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP – Lies, False Claims, Suicide”; <>;; November 3, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP, False Claim, Suicide”; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi; Vol LIV, No 47; November 12, 2016; pp.3-4.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Idea of Interlinking Rivers: Cupidity or Stupidity?”; <>;; November 22, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Interlinking Rivers: Cupidity or Stupidity?”; <>; The Citizen; November 23, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Promoting it at any cost” (Interlinking Rivers); <>; Deccan Herald; December 10, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “OROP: Lies, false claim and suicide”; Fauji India, New Delhi; Vol 3, Issue 1, December 2016; pp.16-17.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Narmada Bachao Andolan: Thirty Years of Resistance and Re-construction”; <>; Frontier Weekly, Vol. 49, No. 24, Dec 18-24, 2016, pp.6-9.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Idea of Interlinking Rivers: Cupidity or Stupidity?”; Mainstream Weekly; New Delhi; Vol LV, No 1; December 24, 2016; pp.61-65.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is India's Military a Pawn on the National Chessboard?”; <>; The Citizen; December 29, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Babu Hatao, Fauji Bachao: Trifling With The Fauj and National Security”; <>;; December 31, 2016.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Sovereignty: Shifting Sands”; <>; The Citizen; January 3, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Strategic Disinvestment of Bharat Earth Movers Limited Will Compromise India’s Security”; <>;; Jan 23, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dreaming at Davos”; <>; The Citizen; January 25, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Blindness at Davos”; <>;; January 26, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Babu Hatao, Fauji Bachao: Trifling with the Fauj and National Security”; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi; Vol LV, No 6; January 28, 2017; pp.23-24.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Open Letter regarding Strategic Disinvestment of Bharat Earth Movers Ltd (BEML)”; <>; Frontier Weekly; January 29, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Davos' Unrealistic Dream”; <>; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru; February 1, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G. & Joseph, Roy; “Bullet Ride or Safety: What should come first?”; <>; The Citizen; February 22, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G. & Joseph, Roy; “Bullet trains for India – A reality check”; <>; Deccan Herald – Panorama; March 11, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Sovereignty: Have we lost it?”; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi; Vol LV, No.16; April 8, 2017; pp.17-20.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Army as the Politicians' Human Shield?”; <>; The Citizen; April 18, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Army as the Politicians' Human Shield?”; <>;; April 20, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Linking Rivers, De-linking Societies: A Brief History”; <>; South-Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (SAJMS); ISSN:2349-7858:SJIF:2.246:Volume 4 Issue 3; April 22, 2017; pp.47-54.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Terrorism and Militancy: Are they quite the same?”; <>; The Citizen; April 25, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Terrorism and Militancy: Are they quite the same?”; <>;; April 28, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Terrorism and Militancy: Are they quite the same?”; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi; Vol LV, No.19; April 29, 2017; pp.4-5.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Urgent Appeal For Social Justice In The Narmada River Valley”; <>; Volume 49, No.44; Frontier Weekly, Kolkata; May 7-13, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Urgent Appeal For Social Justice In The Narmada River Valley”; <>;; May 12, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “MP Revives Orwell: Ministry of Happiness Formed As Narmada Villagers Face Eviction”; <>; The Citizen; May 21, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Happiness in the (Un)Real World, (Un)happiness in the Real World”; <>; May 22, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Privatization of PSUs threat to sovereignty”; <>; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru; May 23, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Privatization of PSUs threat to sovereignty”; <>; Indian Defense News; May 23, 2017. [Source: Deccan Herald].
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Cyber Vulnerability – Defence Goes Beyond Military Capability”; <>; The Citizen; May 29, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Cyber Vulnerability and PSUs: Government Must Retain Control of Critical Sectors”; <>;; May 31, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Army as the Politicians' Human Shield?”; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi; Vol LV, No.24; June 3, 2017; pp.21-22.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Sovereignty and Security: Questioning the Wisdom of Privatising PSUs”; Mainstream Weekly, New Delhi; Vol LV, No.25; June 10, 2017; pp.21-22.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Human Shield: A Re-look”; <>; The Citizen; June 15, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Cyber Vulnerability: Beyond the Military”; The Frontier; Vol 47, No.50; June 18-24; pp.12-13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Not Just the Civilians, but the Army has a Stake in Peace in Kashmir as Well”; <>; The Citizen; July 5, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Do Soldiers Have Human Rights?: Far-reaching Implications”; <>;; July 6, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “India's Cyber Vulnerability and PSUs: Government must retain control of critical sectors”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol LV No.29; July 8, 2017; pp.13,14,24.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Rape of Narmada Mayya's Children”; <>; The Citizen; August 8, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Rape of Narmada Mayya's Children: The Mahabharata Allegory of Draupadi Vastraharan”; <>;; August 8, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “When the State Sought to Muzzle Privacy, U-Turn Now Only to Accomodate SC Verdict”; <>; The Citizen; August 26, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Great Face-saving U-Turn on Privacy”; <>;; August 27, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Great Face-saving U-Turn on Privacy”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LV, No.37; September 2, 2017; pp.11-12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Darkness Falls on our Democracy”;; The Citizen; September 6, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “We know what killed Gauri, if not who”; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru; September 7, 2017; Edit page, p.8.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “From Aadhaar to Privacy Right: The Spin-off of the Aadhaar Controversy”;;; September 14, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Dear PM, When You Inaugurate the Sardar Sarovar Dam Think of the Dalits, Adivasis, Farmers, Fisherfolk Forcefully Displaced”; <>; The Citizen; September 16, 2017.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Darkness Falls On Our Democracy”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol LV, No.39; September 16, 2017; pp.6-7.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Nero Syndrome”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LV, No.40; September 23, 2017; pp.31-32.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Right to Privacy”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LV, No.42; October 7, 2017; pp.7-10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Mysuru’s Human Chain Speaks”; Star of Mysore; October 23, 2017, p.6.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Hunsur Road Straightening will destroy our City’s Heritage”; Star of Mysore; November 5, 2017, p.1.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Perpetual cycle: oil, GDP, climate change”; <>; Deccan Herald – Edit page; December 6, 2017; p.10.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “FRDI “Hajamat”: Don’t worry, I won’t shoot, Then why the gun?”; <>; The Citizen; January 11, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Cyber Security: Going Beyond Data Protection”; <>; Countercurrents; January 24, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Inciting Mutiny: Are Governments Complicit?”; <>; The Citizen; January 24, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is there a threat to the Constitution?”; <>; The Citizen; February 9, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “National Cyber Security: Are we adequately aware and informed?”; <>; The Citizen; February 13, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Is there a threat to the Constitution?”; <>; Frontier Weekly; February 13, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The People’s Will Must Prevail: Thalassery-Mysuru Railway Line through Kodagu”; Star of Mysore; February 15, 2018; p.13.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “A Curious Case of Hajamat: FRDI Bill Bail-in Section 52”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol LVI No.11, March 3, 2018; pp.19-21.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Cyber Security – Civil and Military Implications”; Indian Defence Review (Print Copy); Jan-Mar 2018; Vol 33(1), pp.38-42.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Data Protection with Concrete Walls and Uncrackable Encryption – Really?”; <>; The Citizen; March 24, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Data Protection With Concrete Walls And Uncrackable Encryption”; <>;; March 24, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Cyber Security – Civil and Military Implications”; Indian Defence Review; <>; April 6, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Inciting Mutiny? : Are Governments Complicit?”; The Leaflet; The Lawyers Collective; <>; May 25, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Problems of J & K (Jawan & Kisan)”; <—K-Jawan-and-Kisan>; The Citizen; June 1, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “J&K – At the End of the Tether”; <>;; June 2, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Lateral Entry of Joint Secretaries: Corporate-Govt Nexus Instals a ‘Revolving Door’“; <>; The Citizen; June 12, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Government-Corporate Nexus Grows”; <>;; June 13, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Lateral Entry: ‘Revolving doors?’”; <>; Op-Ed page, Deccan Herald; June 18, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Corporate-Government Nexus Grows”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol LVI No.32, July 28, 2018; pp.21-22.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Bhim!”; <>; The Citizen; August 4, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Worm Turns: Common Cause – Soldier, Farmer, Dalit”; <>;; August 5, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Bhim”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol LVI No.34, August 11, 2018; pp.10-11.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “What Does It Mean for India When 356 Serving Army Soldiers Petition the Supreme Court? - India at the Crossroads“; <>; The Citizen; August 17, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “An Unprecedented Initiative”; <>;; August 17, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Mullaperiyar Dam in Danger: Will Tamil Nadu’s boon be Kerala’s doom?”; <>; The Citizen; August 19, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Mullaperiyar Dam – Will Tamil Nadu’s Boon Be Kerala’s Doom?”; <>; Countercurrents; August 19, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Will TN’s boon be Kerala’s Doom?”; <>; Deccan Herald, Edit Page; August 20, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Manipur Encounters: Why 356 Army Personnel Petitioning SC Against 'Persecution' Is Worrisome”; <>; The Wire; August 22, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Defence Pension Adalat held in City – It’s mostly about attitude: Need for more Defence Adalats”; Star of Mysore; August 26, 2018; p.12.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Army Personnel Petitioning SC Is a Military-Bureaucratic-Political Conundrum”; <>; The Wire; September 7, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Real Question about Rafale and the Air Force”; <>; The Citizen; September 13, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Strategic Arithmetic: How much is 2+2?”; <>; Deccan Herald; September 15, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Rafale Arithmetic: 126 Versus 36”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVI, No.40; p.3; September 22, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aadhaar Judgment: Devil Is In the Details and Implementation”; <<>>; The Citizen; September 26, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Aadhaar Judgment – A First Impression”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVI, No.41; pp.3-4; September 29, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Judicial Archer”; <>; The Citizen; October 1, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “The Judicial Archer”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVI, No.42; pp.4,32; October 6, 2018.
- Vombatkere, S.G., “Defence Preparedness: Inconvenient Truths”; <>;
Indian Defence Review; October 10, 2018.
638. Vombatkere, S.G., “Cybersecurity Concerns”; <>; Frontline; November 9, 2018; pp.21-24.
639. Vombatkere, S.G., “National Academic Event Cancelled: Does the BHU VC’s Writ Run?”; <>; The Citizen; November 16, 2018.
640. Vombatkere, S.G., “Will Statue save Cauvery?”; <>; Deccan Herald, Bengaluru; In Perspective; November 22, 2018.
641. Vombatkere, S.G., “National Academic Event Cancelled”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVI, No.49; pp.10-11; November 24, 2018.
642. Vombatkere, S.G., “Statues and People: Saving River Cauvery”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVI, No.50; pp.5,13; December 1, 2018.
643. Vombatkere, S.G., “Human Future in the Digital Era”; Plenary Lecture, XLII Indian Social Science Congress; December 27-31, 2018; KIIT University, Bhubanehwar, Odisha; Indian Social Science Academy, Social Science Abstracts, Vol.XLII, 2018; pp.52-65.
644. Vombatkere, S.G., “Interlinking of Rivers: A Pipe Dream”; Frontline; <>; Print Edition; February 15, 2019.
645. Vombatkere, S.G., “Carnage at Pulwama”; <<>>; The Citizen; February 17, 2019.
646. Vombatkere, S.G., “Beyond Pulwama Attack: Governance, not Guns”; <>; Deccan Herald Edit Page; February 18, 2019.
647. Vombatkere, S.G., “Pulwama - Thinking beyond the immediate“; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVII, No.10; pp.4,12; February 23, 2019.
648. Vombatkere, S.G., “Is Chest-Thumping Strategy?: Balakot and After”; <>; The Citizen; February 27, 2019.
649. Vombatkere, S.G., “Varthaman in the Aerial Dog Fight proves the importance of the Man Behind the Gun“; <<>>; The Citizen; March 2, 2019.
650. Vombatkere, S.G., “Beyond Balakot: The Deep State and War”; <>; Frontline; March 29, 2019; pp.31-34.
651. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Kashmir Conundrum - Jahannum to Jannat: Can we makeit ?”; The Fauji Magazine; Vol 5, Issue 5; April 2019; pp.16-18.
652. Vombatkere, S.G., “Varthaman Kaal – Present tense”; (India’s Armed Forces); Kanara Saraswat; Vol 24, Issue 4; April 2019; p.36.
653. Vombatkere, S.G., “Veterans’ Concerns for a Secular Military Neither News nor Fake”; <>; The Citizen; April 13, 2019.
654. Vombatkere, S.G., “Veterans’ concerns for a secular military: Neither news nor fake!”; <>;; April 13, 2019.
655. Vombatkere, S.G., “Veterans’ concerns for a secular military”; <>; Deccan Herald; April 13, 2019.
656. Vombatkere, S.G., “Veterans’ Concern for a Secular Military is Not Fake News”; <>; The Wire; April 13, 2019.
657. Vombatkere, S.G., “Veterans’ Concerns for a Secular Military is Neither News nor Fake!”; MoneyLife; <>; April 13, 2019.
658. Vombatkere, S.G., “Veterans’ Concerns for a Secular Military: Neither News nor Fake!”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVII, No.18; pp.17-18; April 20, 2019.
659. Vombatkere, S.G., “Politicizing the Military: Veterans Concerns for a Secular Military – Neither News nor Fake”; Fauji India; Vol.5 Issue 6, May 2019; pp.35-36.
660. Vombatkere, S.G., “L’Affaire Viraat: Warning signs”; <>; The Citizen; May 12, 2019.
661. Vombatkere, S.G., “L’affaire Viraat“; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVII, No.22; pp.3-4; May 18, 2019.
662. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Economic Growth – Climate Change Conundrum: Is it the end of the road? Is there a way ahead?”; <>;; June 11, 2019.
663. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Economic Growth – Climate Change Conundrum: Is it the end of the road? Is there a way ahead?”; <>; republished by Pressenza International Press Agency; June 13, 2019.
664. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Economic Growth – Climate Change Conundrum: Is it the end of the road? Is there a way ahead?”; <>; Frontier Weekly; Vol.51, No.49; June 9-15, 2019.
665. Vombatkere, S.G., “Global Warming and Our Model of Economy – Part 1”; <>; The Citizen; June 15, 2019.
666. Vombatkere, S.G., “Global Warming and Our Model of Economy – Part 2”; <>; The Citizen; June 18, 2019.
667. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Economic Growth-Climate Change Conundrum: Is it the end of the road? Is there a way ahead?”; <>; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVII, No.29; pp.4-9; July 6, 2019.
668. Vombatkere, S.G., “Looming Water Crisis: There is a way out”; Deccan Herald, August 7, 2019, p.10. <>.
669. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Moving Finger Writes: The Kashmir imbroglio”; <>; The Citizen; August 7, 2019.
670. Vombatkere, S.G., “Looming Water Crisis: But There Is a Way Out”; <>;; August 7, 2019.
671. Vombatkere, S.G., “Kodagu Disaster: Too much and too little”; <>; Star of Mysore; August 14, 2019; p.12.
672. Vombatkere, S.G., “Kodagina Durantha: Athiyaadaroo athi kadime ...!”; Mysuru Mitra; August 17, 2019; p.7.
673. Vombatkere, S.G., “Male matthe dali maadadanthe munjagruthe agathya”; Andolana; August 22, 2019; p.8.
674. Vombatkere, S.G., “India-Pakistan Ties in the Current Context”; <>; The Citizen; August 31, 2019.
675. Vombatkere, S.G., “Ideology of Economic Growth”; <>; Frontier Weekly; Vol.52, No.10; Sep 8-14, 2019.
676. Vombatkere, S.G., “Sardar Sarovar Project: What of the new species called Project Affected Families?”; <>; The Citizen; September 17, 2019.
677. Vombatkere, S.G., “138.68m–height of uncaring”; <>; Deccan Herald, September 18, 2019; p.10.
678. Vombatkere, S.G., “Why Maj.Gen.Vombatkere has challenged Aadhaar Amendment Act in Supreme Court“; <>; Medianama; September 18, 2019.
679. Vombatkere, S.G., “Sardar Sarovar Dam and Unity in India”; <>; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVII, No.40; pp.28-29; September 21, 2019.
680. Vombatkere, S.G., “Destruction of Chamundi Hill Heritage – Hanging Environment and Heritage with a Rope(way)”; <>; Star of Mysore; November 6, 2019; p.6.
681. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Ayodhya Verdict: Balancing Act?”; <>; The Citizen; November 11, 2019.
682. Vombatkere, S.G., “Finality at Ayodhya”; <>;; November 11, 2019.
683. Vombatkere, S.G., “For India’s sake: Way forward from Ayodhya”; <>; Deccan Herald; November 16, 2019.
684. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Ayodhya Verdict”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVII, No.48; pp.7-8; November 16, 2019.
685. Vombatkere, S.G., “CAA-NRC: UnIndian – Ramming through won’t do”; <>; Deccan Herald; December 24, 2019.
686. Vombatkere, S.G., “Made in India ... But not Indian? CAA-NRC – Burning Questions”; <>; The Citizen; December 24, 2019.
687. Vombatkere, S.G., “CAA-NRC: Burning Questions – Made in India ... But not Indian?”; <>;; December 26, 2019.
688. Vombatkere, S.G., “War Will Destabilize At Home And In The Region”; <>;; January 6, 2020.
689. Vombatkere, S.G., “Foreign Troops on Indian Soil as US Threatens War Against Iran?; War will destabilize home and region”; <>; The Citizen; January 7, 2020.
690. Vombatkere, S.G., “No Justice for the Accused, Is this the New Norm?”; <>; The Citizen; January 26, 2020.
691. Vombatkere, S.G., “Justice For An Accused Person: What Is Due Judicial Process?”; <>;; January 26, 2020.
692. Vombatkere, S.G., “ಆರೋಪಿತ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗೆ ಒದಗಬೇಕಾದ ನ್ಯಾಯ“; “Aaropita Vyaktige Odagabekaada Nyaya” (Kannada for “Justice that should be provided to an accused”); Andolana Kannada newspaper; Vol.49, Issue 39; February 9, 2020; p.8.
693. Vombatkere, S.G., ”Off with her head? Whither Rule of Law?”; <>; Deccan Herald; February 25, 2020; p.10.
694. Vombatkere, S.G., “Let’s make India a Law and Justice wonderland”; <>; The Citizen; February 26, 2020.
695. Vombatkere, S.G., “Let’s Make India a Law & Justice Wonderland”; Mainstream, New Delhi; Vol.LVIII, No.11; February 29, 2020; pp.22-23.
696. Vombatkere, S.G., “Pushing the envelope: NPR-NRC inflexibility”; <>; The Citizen; March 1, 2020.
697. Vombatkere, S.G., “NPR-NRC-CAA: The Troubling Triad”; <>;; March 2, 2020.
698. Vombatkere, S.G., “The Villain NPR-NRC”; <>; The Citizen; March 8, 2020.
699. Vombatkere, S.G., “Questioning the 2003 Citizenship Rules: The Villain of NPR-NRC”; <>;; March 9, 2020.
700. Vombatkere, S.G., “
SGV articles in “Mainstream” at: <>